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N.S.S Camp.

• Seven days camp at "Dongargaon" which is an adopted village of N.S.S unit.
• Hundred volunteers take active participation in college annual camp(Special Winter Camp)
The following activities are the core theme of the camp

1) Awareness about girl feoticide
2) Violence against women
3) Awareness among women about health and education
4) Corruption
5) Visit and Study of old age house and orphan age
6) Awareness about cleanliness in villages
7) Organization of free health check up camp and distribution of medicine
8) Providing Eye-check Camp and surgical facilities
9) Anti Alcohol and Anti tobacco drive in the village.
10) Anti Superstition Drive.

The NSS unit of the college engages the students in community development activities which motivate them to imbibe the sense of Social Service. The College NSS unit organizes different activities where people are made aware about various aspects like health, hygiene, social, moral, ethical principles and ways of life.

The following are the regular activities of the N.S.S Unit.

1. Tree Plantation
2. Blood Donation Camp
3. Health Check up Camp
4. Eye-Check up Camp
5. Road Safety awareness Programme
6. Disaster Management Lectures & Drills
7. Participation in the Republic day parade
8. Environmental Awareness Camp
9. Anti Superstition Awareness Programme
10. Voter Awareness Programme and voter card making camp.
11. Cleanliness Drive in and around the college.