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The sports activities have begun in Renuka College since its inception. The department is run by Dr. Pravin Patil-Director of Physical Education-Renuka College, Napgur. The Department takes the following activities every year:

Every year sport day is celebrated in Renuka College in the month of Dec. The students of Renuka College take active participation in inter-collegiate, state level and national level games.

Name: Dr. Praveen Patil
Mobile No : +919890903883
Sports Incharge.

Laxmi Meshram

Represented RTM, Nagpur University in Boxing, Baseball and Softball in 2015-16 in All India Inter University Tournaments.

Anil Turkar

Represented RTM, Nagpur University in Boxing in 2017-18 in All India Inter University Tournaments.

Kashvi Deshpande

Represented RTM, Nagpur University in Basketball in 2016-17 in All India University Tournament.