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Student Satisfaction Survey regarding Teaching – Learning and Evaluation, which will help to upgrade the quality in higher education. A student will have to respond to all the questions given in the following format with her/his sincere effort and thought. Her/his identity will not be revealed.

01 Particular Yes No
a) Please confirm this is the first and only time you answer this survey. Yes No
b) Full Name
b) Class
c) Email Id
d) Gender Male  Female  Transgender
e) College Name
f) What Degree program are you pursuing now? Bachelor's    Master's   M.Phil   Doctorate  Other 
g) What subject area are you currently pursuing? Arts   Commerce   Science   Professional   Other  
Instructions to fill the questionnaire
● All questions should be compulsorily attempted.
● Each question has five responses, choose the most appropriate one.
Criterion II –

Teaching–Learning and Evaluation Student Satisfaction Survey on Teaching Learning Process Following are questions for online student satisfaction survey regarding teaching learning process.
1. How much of the syllabus was covered in the class? 85 to 100% 
70 to 84% 
55 to 69% 
30 to 54% 
Below 30%
2. How well did the teachers prepare for the classes? Thoroughly 
Won’t teach at all
3. Fairness of the internal evaluation process by the teachers. Alwaysfair 
Usually fair 
Sometimes unfair  
Usually unfair 
4. Was your performance in assignments discussed with you? Everytime 
Occasionally / Sometimes  
5. The institution provides multiple opportunities to learn and grow. Strongly Agree 
Strongly Disagree
6. Teachers inform you about your expected competencies, course outcomes and programme outcomes. Every time  
Occasionally / Sometimes  
7. Efforts are made by the institute/ teachers to inculcate soft skills, life skills and employability skills to make you ready for the world of work. To a great extent 
Some what  
Very little  
Not at all
8. What percentage of teachers use ICT tools such as LCD projector, Multimedia, etc. while teaching. Above 90% 
70 – 89% 
50 – 69% 
30 – 49% 
Below 29%
9. The overall quality of teaching-learning process in your institute is very good. Agree 
Strongly Disagree 
Strongly Agree

Sr.No. Session PDF
1. 2020-2021
2. 2022-2023

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